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Thought Leadership & Enablement
September 15, 2023

How to Build a Lead Scoring Strategy in 3 Easy Steps

Learn how to use a prospect’s data, such as their demographics and behaviors, to assign a lead scoring value and identify high-quality conversion opportunities.

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

For any business, acquiring potential customers is a top priority. However, not all leads are created equal, and blindly chasing every lead that comes your way can be a wasteful and inefficient approach. So today, we’re explaining a better approach to utilize: lead scoring.

Lead scoring is a vital process that can help businesses prioritize and nurture high-quality leads effectively. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain what exactly lead scoring is and how businesses can assign values or scores to leads based on their attributes and behaviors. We'll also explore its benefits — from optimizing marketing efforts to improving conversion rates — and equip you with the knowledge you need to excel in lead generation.

What Is Lead Scoring?

Lead scoring: person doing the thumbs up

Lead scoring is a systematic approach that involves assigning numerical values, or scores, to leads based on various attributes and behaviors. It helps businesses evaluate the potential of a lead and their alignment with the company's ideal customer profile or buyer persona. 

By analyzing specific data points, lead scoring helps marketing and sales teams figure out which potential customers are most likely to actually buy something. They use certain data points to do this, so they can focus their time and resources on those promising leads.

The Anatomy of Lead Scoring

Let’s go through some of the basic elements that make up effective lead scoring.

Demographic Data

One of the key elements in a lead scoring strategy is demographic data. This includes information such as job title, company size, and industry. For example, if your ideal customer profile is a mid-level manager in a tech company, leads fitting this description would receive a higher score.

Behavioral Data

Behavioral data plays a crucial role in lead scoring. It encompasses actions taken by leads, such as visiting the pricing page, attending a webinar, or engaging with your content on social media. These actions signal a lead's interest and intent, contributing to their lead score.

Firmographic Data

For B2B companies, firmographic data, such as the type of industry, can be essential in lead scoring. Salespeople often have a better chance of closing deals with companies in specific sectors, and leads from those industries should be prioritized.

How to Develop Your Lead Scoring Model in 3 Steps

Now that we've covered the basic components, let's dive deeper into how to create an effective lead scoring model.

1. Define Scoring Criteria

Start by outlining the criteria that matters most to your business. This criteria could include the number of leads generated, email engagement, and conversion rates. Assign numerical values to each criterion based on their importance.

2. Utilize Data Points

To implement an effective lead scoring system, you need access to a wealth of data. Customer data, behavioral data, and demographic data are all critical. Leveraging a CRM system, like Salesforce or HubSpot, can streamline this process by centralizing your data.

3. Incorporate Machine Learning and Algorithms

For more advanced lead scoring, consider integrating machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can analyze vast datasets and identify patterns that humans might overlook, enabling predictive lead scoring.

The Benefits of Lead Scoring

Woman happily using her phone

Lead scoring offers numerous advantages for businesses looking to optimize their marketing and sales efforts.

Assigning scores to leads is like putting a magnifying glass on your potential customers. It allows you to sort through the crowd and pinpoint the most promising prospects. These high-scoring leads have demonstrated a stronger interest or alignment with your product or service, making them more likely to take the plunge and become paying customers. 

By directing your attention and resources toward these top contenders, you not only increase your chances of successful conversions but also ensure that your hardworking sales team invests their time where it can yield the most fruitful results.

When you assign scores to leads, you're not just identifying potential customers; you're also dissecting the effectiveness of your various marketing efforts. These scores reveal which campaigns are hitting the bullseye and bringing in high-quality leads and which ones might need a rethink. 

Armed with this knowledge, you can make smarter decisions on where to allocate your budget and resources. This means you're not blindly pouring money into marketing tactics; you're investing it strategically, channeling funds into what's proven to work and fine-tuning or redirecting resources away from less productive avenues. In essence, lead scoring doesn't just streamline your process; it empowers you to be a data-driven maestro, orchestrating your marketing campaigns for maximum impact and efficiency.

In addition to boosting efficiency and teamwork, lead scoring has a direct impact on conversion rates. As businesses focus their attention on leads with a higher likelihood of conversion, they naturally see an increase in their close rates. This is because they are engaging with leads who have already exhibited buying intent, making it easier to guide them through the final stages of the sales process. Consequently, the conversion process becomes more predictable and consistent, contributing to a higher overall success rate.

Furthermore, lead scoring ultimately spurs an increase in closed deals. By concentrating on the leads most likely to convert, businesses can consistently generate sales and revenue. This not only helps companies meet their revenue targets but also allows them to scale their operations more effectively. As the volume of closed deals increases, so does the potential for growth and expansion.

Implementing Your Lead Scoring System

Integrating your lead scoring system into your existing workflow is a critical component of a successful lead generation strategy. It's all about seamlessly combining key elements of digital marketing, such as LinkedIn, landing pages, email marketing, and contact information, to nurture potential leads through the various stages of the sales funnel.

The integration of lead scoring also contributes to a more refined buyer's journey. As new leads enter your system, the scoring mechanism allows you to map their progress through the sales funnel, ensuring that they receive the most relevant and personalized content at each stage. This tailored approach enhances the overall customer experience and strengthens your inbound marketing strategy.

Furthermore, by utilizing metrics and data-driven insights, you can continuously refine your lead scoring model. Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of your scoring criteria enables you to adapt to changing market dynamics and customer behaviors, ensuring that your lead generation strategy remains effective over time.

Incorporating negative scoring into your system is another valuable aspect of lead scoring integration. Negative scoring allows you to identify and penalize behaviors that may indicate a low-quality lead. 

For instance, leads who repeatedly unsubscribe from your email marketing campaigns or show little to no engagement with your content may have their scores reduced. This mechanism helps maintain the quality of your database by filtering out potential leads that are unlikely to convert.

Lead Scoring in Action

Let's illustrate the effectiveness of lead scoring with a hypothetical example.

Imagine you're a SaaS company targeting potential customers for your marketing automation tool. You've identified that your ideal customer profile includes marketing managers in medium-sized companies. You've assigned point values to various attributes and behaviors:

  • Job title (marketing manager): 30 points
  • Company size (medium): +20 points
  • Attended webinar: 15 points
  • High email engagement: 10 points

If a lead is a marketing manager in a medium-sized company who attended your webinar and engaged with your emails, their score would be 75 points. This lead is highly valuable and should be prioritized for follow-up by your sales team.

Choosing the Right Lead Scoring Tool

Selecting the right lead scoring software is crucial for the success of your lead generation efforts. Consider factors like ease of use, functionality, and pricing. HubSpot, Salesforce, and Jebbit are all popular options worth exploring.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Lead scoring is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly review your scoring criteria and adjust them as needed to reflect changes in your target audience and market dynamics. Continuous improvement and adaptation are essential principles in the world of lead scoring, as this practice is far from static. 

Instead, it is an evolving and dynamic process that demands constant vigilance and adjustment to remain effective in an ever-changing business landscape.

Are You Practicing Lead Scoring?

In a world overflowing with leads, effective lead scoring is the compass that guides businesses toward their most promising opportunities. By assigning numerical values to attributes and behaviors, companies can prioritize leads, optimize marketing campaigns, and ultimately improve conversion rates. Don't miss out on this powerful methodology to turn your leads into paying customers efficiently.

Elevate your lead scoring strategy today!? Try Jebbit and watch your conversions soar. Get started today, and transform your leads into paying customers effortlessly!

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

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