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Thought Leadership & Enablement
March 9, 2023

Prioritize Consumer Trust With Data Privacy

If you collect consumer information, you need to consider data privacy. Learn about the regulations and best practices you should be aware of.

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

Data privacy is a hot topic, especially in today's digital age, where everything is just a click away. Consumers want to know that their personal data is being handled responsibly, and data privacy legislation has been put in place to protect consumer rights. With data breaches and identity theft becoming increasingly common, it is essential for businesses to prioritize privacy concerns and build consumer trust.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the significance of data privacy, why it's important to build consumer trust, and how Jebbit can help you achieve this.

Understanding Data Privacy and Its Significance

Data privacy: hand holding out a holographic lock

Privacy issues are not something new. After all, in 1996, the U.S. enacted a federal law called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which requires healthcare providers to safeguard patients' health information.

But data privacy goes beyond healthcare. And in recent years, consumer data privacy has been garnering attention.

Data privacy refers to the protection of consumers’ personal information that businesses collect straight from their users. This includes sensitive data such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, and even biometric data

The collection of personal data by businesses has increased, and the amount of data available for collection has grown rapidly due to the vast amount of digital interactions between businesses and consumers. Consumers have the right to know how their data is being used, who has access to it, and whether it's being shared with third-party companies. 

Data privacy laws and regulatory laws have been enacted to protect consumer data and ensure businesses comply with strict privacy protection regulations.

One such data protection law is the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

But there are even U.S. state laws that have been put in place to protect consumers' personal data.

For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives consumers the right to know what information is being collected. It also states that consumers can request the deletion of their data or or opt out of the sale of personal data.

Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia also have data privacy laws. Other states are also considering privacy bills, including New York, which has a Senate Bill in committee regarding consumer’s personal data.

Data privacy protection is essential as businesses collect and store massive amounts of consumer data that can be vulnerable to data breaches, hacking, and misuse. Consumers expect businesses to handle their data with utmost care and use it responsibly. By complying with privacy protection regulations and prioritizing data privacy, businesses can build trust with their audience, improve brand reputation, and ensure their long-term success.

Ways to Ensure Data Security and Compliance to Your Customers

Data privacy: person logging into a website

If you're a brand that handles customer data, ensuring data security and compliance is essential. Here are some fun ways to do it:

  • Use security measures like firewalls, encryption, and access controls to protect customer data from potential threats.
  • Train your employees on how to handle customer data properly, so they know what they should and shouldn't do with it.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest data privacy laws and regulations, and make sure you're following them to the letter.
  • Conduct regular audits to ensure that your data security and compliance practices are up-to-date and effective.
  • Build trust with your customers by being transparent about how you handle their data, what you use it for, and who you share it with (if anyone).

Remember, customer data is sensitive and personal, so handling it with care is crucial. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to ensuring data security and compliance for your customers.

The Role of Zero-Party Data Collection in Building Consumer Trust

Zero-party data collection has become the latest buzzword in the world of data privacy and security, and it's changing the way businesses collect and use consumer data.

In simple terms, zero-party data is the data that consumers voluntarily share with businesses. That means, when you fill out a survey, take a quiz, or participate in a contest or giveaway, you're giving the business permission to collect data directly from you. This is different from third-party data, which is collected by businesses from other sources such as cookies, web beacons, or social media platforms.

Now, why is zero-party data collection so important? Well, with the increasing concerns over data privacy and the changes in privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, businesses cannot rely on third-party data like they used to. That's where zero-party data comes in. It allows businesses to collect accurate and reliable information directly from consumers who have given their consent to share their personal data.

By collecting zero-party data, businesses can create personalized experiences that meet their customers' needs. For example, let's say you're a coffee shop that collects zero-party data through a quiz that helps customers discover their perfect blend. With this data, you can offer customized coffee blends that cater to each customer's taste and preferences, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Zero-party data collection is all about building trust with your customers. By being transparent about how you collect and use their data, and giving them control over their personal information, you can create a stronger bond between your brand and your customers. And who wouldn't want that?

Take it from the CEO of PepsiCo who collects zero-party data using Jebbit and realizes the importance of how the company collects and uses their data. 

“We recognize that consumers have the right to control their own data, and that we need to be transparent about our data collection practices. That’s why we are committed to providing greater data transparency and control over how we collect consumer data.” - Ramon Laguarta, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

Common Areas of Concern About Data Privacy for Businesses and Individuals 

People working together using a secure network

Privacy and data sharing is a crucial concern for businesses and individuals alike. As more and more information is collected and shared online, it's important to understand the various types of data, how data transfers occur, and the various regulations in place to protect privacy.

One key area of concern is personally identifiable information (PII). This includes any data that can be used to identify an individual, such as name, address, phone number, email, and Social Security number. PII is particularly sensitive because it can be used for identity theft and other fraudulent activities.

There are also other types of data that businesses collect, such as:

  • Behavioral data: The actions people take online, such as clicks, purchases, and searches
  • Demographic data: Information about age, gender, income, and other demographic factors
  • Psychographic data: Attitudes, values, and beliefs

Data transfers are another area of concern. When businesses share data with third parties, it can increase the risk of data breaches and other non-privacy-compliance acts. Therefore, it's important to carefully vet any partners or vendors that have access to your data privacy program.

To address these concerns, there are various privacy regulations in place. For example, in the U.S., the Data Privacy Act requires businesses to provide notice to individuals about how their data will be collected and used. Additionally, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe imposes strict requirements for data privacy and protection.

In order to maintain information privacy and comply with these regulations, businesses must be vigilant about their data privacy practices. This includes implementing robust security measures, limiting data collection to what's necessary, and being transparent about data use, risk management, and sharing practices.

Overall, data privacy is a critical issue for businesses and individuals alike. By understanding the types of data, data transfers, and privacy regulations in place, businesses can take steps to protect sensitive information and build trust with their customers.

Jebbit Is SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant

With the growing concerns around data privacy and protection, it's essential for businesses to adopt the best practices and industry standards for safeguarding customer data. SOC 2 Type 2 compliance is one such standard that businesses can strive to achieve to demonstrate their commitment to data privacy and cybersecurity.

SOC 2 Type 2 compliance is a certification that ensures businesses have implemented adequate measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data. This certification is granted by independent auditors who assess the business's internal controls and processes for data protection. 

SOC 2 Type 2 certification requires a rigorous audit process that includes an evaluation of the business's policies, procedures, and systems related to data security, privacy, and confidentiality over a specific period.

At Jebbit, data privacy and security are paramount, and we've made it a top priority to achieve SOC 2 Type 2 certification. Being SOC 2 Type 2 compliant means that we have established effective controls and procedures for data management, access control, monitoring, and incident response. 

We have put in place multiple layers of security to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customer's data. We also conduct regular vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and risk assessments to identify potential risks and threats to data privacy and security.

How Jebbit Can Help You Achieve Data Privacy and Build Consumer Trust

Jebbit is a personalized quiz platform that collects zero-party data. With Jebbit, businesses can create engaging quizzes that help them collect valuable insights into their audience. Jebbit provides businesses with a unique opportunity to gather accurate user data directly from their customers, build consumer trust, and strengthen their brand reputation. Jebbit's platform is built to comply with privacy protection laws, ensuring that consumer data is handled responsibly and transparently.

Consumers are more likely to shop from brands they trust. And when it comes to data privacy, trust is critical. Consumers want to know that their data is being used responsibly and that businesses are taking the necessary steps to protect their personal information

According to a survey by Pew Research Center, 79% of consumers are concerned about data privacy and believe that they have lost control over how their data is being used. By prioritizing data privacy, businesses can build trust with their audience and strengthen their brand reputation.

Take it from our customers who capture zero-party data with Jebbit and are building trust and brand loyalty with their customers every day.

"Jebbit has been a game-changer for our business. By using their personalized quiz platform, we have been able to collect zero-party data and build consumer trust. Our audience appreciates the transparency and control we provide over their personal information. We have seen a significant increase in brand loyalty and customer retention since we started using Jebbit." - Marketing Director at a leading retail company.

Ensure Your Customers That They Can Trust You!

Data privacy is critical to building consumer trust and strengthening brand reputation. Businesses that prioritize data privacy and use zero-party data collection methods, such as Jebbit, can gain valuable insights into their audience, provide more personalized experiences, and build lasting relationships with their customers. So, take the next step to ensure your customers trust you by talking with a Jebbit expert today.

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

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