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Case Study
August 16, 2018

Customer Spotlight: Cathay Pacific + "Jebception"

We sat down with Cathay Pacific’s Digital and eCommerce Manager, Wing Mui, to learn about the Jebbit + Cathay Pacific partnership and their Jebbie Award-winning experience.

Hannah Peacock

This year at Declared, we were lucky to be able to recognize six outstanding customers for their innovative work with the Jebbit platform. The Jebbie Awards highlight customers who inspire us with their creativity and innovation of declared data capture and activation.

Taking home the “Jebception” Award, Cathay Pacific created, mapped and built a learning module series consisting of 5+ interconnected Jebbit experiences, that when completed lead to more Jebbit experiences.

Gaining its name from the 2010 Leo Dicaprio blockbuster Inception, “Jebception” (Jebbit experiences leading to Jebbit experiences) had never been done before. Cathay Pacific’s innovative use of the platform tested limits and created a new way to for customers to use Jebbit.

We sat down with Cathay Pacific’s Digital and eCommerce Manager, Wing Mui to learn more about the Jebbit + Cathay Pacific partnership and their Jebbie Award-winning experience.

The Cathay Pacific + Jebbit Partnership

Cathay Pacific is an international airline offering services to 162 destinations in 42 countries and territories around the world.

The Jebbit + Cathay Pacific partnership began in 2015, when Cathay’s VP of Marketing Robecta Ma met Jebbit President Jonathan Lacoste. Cathay Pacific was looking for ways to understand and connect with their customers in a more personal way.

Their first Jebbit experience – an ideal destination quiz – shed light on customer’s travel preferences. This was something Cathay Pacific had been struggling to capture at scale.

Wing, who has been involved since the beginning, recalls what is was like getting started: “I was there building the first Jebbit campaign,” he said, “it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come.”

When it comes to capturing declared data, Wing said that his  team sees great value and importance in first-party data:

“Declared data is incredibly valuable if you want to understand what your audience is looking for. In our industry, there are countless reasons that inspires travel. With declared data, we can better understand our customers’ wants, which then enables us to cater our marketing message in order meet their needs. Declared data allows us to connect with our customers on a deeper and more intimate level.”

Cathay Pacific’s “Jebception” Experience


After years of seeing amazing engagement with their customer audiences, Cathay Pacific began to think outside the box to reach another key audience – travel agents.

“We were looking for new opportunities to engage with our network of travel agents. With Jebbit, we found new ways to to reach and educate them on all the different aspects of our business.”

To do so, the team got creative. Cathay Pacific created, mapped, and built a learning module series consisting of 5+ interconnected Jebbit experiences, that when completed led to more Jebbit experiences.

“Our goal was to create a mini-series of balanced and engaging content; something travel agents could read in one complete session, or in multiple short 5 minute bursts.”

The Results

The experience boasted stellar results for Cathay Pacific and travel agents.

Wing recalled, “We’ve received very positive feedback! The training module series has even been picked up by some of the larger nationwide travel agencies. It’s great to provide a centralized training module to all of travel agency audiences.”

The experience also served as a great learning tool for the Cathay Pacific team. “Using Jebbit in this way allowed us to think expand on our existing portfolio of Jebbit experiences and take advantage of everything that the platform is designed to do.”

Cathay Pacific’s Wing Mui and Tiffany Kao were presented the Jebbie Award for Jebception by Jackie Eagle and Michael Marcus.

Jebbie Award for “Jebception”

Since launching the learning module experience, Cathay Pacific has become a leading example of creativity when building Jebbit experiences.

That’s why this year, we recognized Cathay Pacific for their innovative work by presenting them with the Jebbie Award for “Jebception.”

“We are very excited to be recognized” said Wing. “and we are looking forward to creating even more integrated and interactive pieces in the near future!”

Looking Forward

Looking forward, Wing and the team are excited to continue innovating and using Jebbit experiences to reach audiences in new ways.

Launching soon, they plan to create a calendar based destination picker for travelers – where travelers pick the time they want to travel and the experience suggests the perfect destination, based on climate, holidays, cultural celebrations, etc.

“It’s the opposite of picking your destination,” said Wing, “travelers  will pick when they want to travel and we can offer our suggestions of the best places to visit.”

Advice for Others Looking to Have Success with Jebbit

When asked to share his thoughts on how brands can get the most out of Jebbit, Wing provided the following advice:

“Start building right away – just start building anything. Don’t be afraid of trial and error. With each new experience you’ll improve and figure out what works for your customers.”

Our customers are the most important part of everything we do. As we continue to grow and evolve, customers like Cathay Pacific regularly inspire us with new ways to create content and activate declared data.

Learn More

Inspired to begin capturing and activating declared data? Talk with one of our declared data experts to learn how you can get started.

Hannah Peacock

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Jebbit Grid Decorative
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