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September 4, 2020

Bringing personalized holiday shopping to eCommerce

The personalization of an in-store shopping experience is great. But how (and why) should you bring that experience to your digital channels?

John Levis
Product Marketing Manager

People often say that “context is everything,” and that’s never more important than during the holiday shopping season.

During these months, consumers are buying not just for themselves, but also for friends and family members who have wildly different tastes and preferences. In these situations, basing your marketing on behavioral and transactional data often leaves you trying to sell the wrong product to the wrong person.

Who else has bought a gift for someone else and then had that product proceed to stalk you over display ads, email, and social media for months? It’s a bad experience for you, and it’s a waste of the brand’s marketing dollars because you’re never going to buy that product for yourself.

Instead, recreate the in-store shopping experience online. Have a conversation with your customers and find out exactly who they’re shopping for. This way, not only can you recommend the right product in the moment, you can also capture and save that information for better remarketing. If a customer is buying something for themselves, go ahead and recommend related products in your advertising. But if it’s a gift for someone else, know that maybe you should wait on marketing related products until next year when they’re on the hunt again.

One brand that’s a pro at this type of experience is Boden. Last holiday season, they created a gift finder to help their customers find the perfect item for anyone on their list (including themselves).

Through this experience, they delivered value to their customers in two ways. Not only did they offer a personalized recommendation, but they also helped get customers there faster, saving them time. Meanwhile, they learned who a customer was shopping for, allowing them to deliver better marketing after the holidays ended.

Want to learn more about how to win the holiday season? Click below to watch our webinar for a closer look into what you can do to make holiday 2020 a success.

Want to see how easy it is to create a gift finder of your own? Try our free, limited version of the platform today!

John Levis
Product Marketing Manager

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