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Thought Leadership & Enablement
November 9, 2022

How to 10x Your Conversion Rates and Lead Capture This Holiday Season

If you're looking to boost your conversion rates and lead capture this holiday season, we're giving you an early present that's waiting to be unwrapped. This present will undoubtedly help to achieve all of your goals and more, that present being engaging experiences that lead your customers to exactly what they're looking for this holiday season.

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

Interactive experiences and quizzes are a powerful tool for driving engagement, generating leads, and collecting valuable first-party data.

What Is First Party Data and Why Do I Need It?

You have probably been hearing this term 'first party data' more often than usual, it in fact has become a huge buzz word, and there's a reason for that.

First party data is crucial for any brand because it's gathered directly from the people you have the most to learn from — your own audience. There is no third party collecting the data or getting in the way of collection; it's just you and your audiences.

Since first party data is information handed straight to you from your audience through your owned digital channels, this makes it reliable and issue-free as people have consented for you to use it.

How to Collect First Party Data to Increase Lead Capture and Conversion Rates

So, what's the best way to collect this type of data that comes straight from your audience without having any third party tracking? Simple: Talk to them, ask them, and get to know them.

Implementing an engaging, on brand, experience to your platforms is a great way to engage your audience and get them interacting with your brand. By creating an experience that's relevant to your product or service, you can get people interested in what you have to offer and increase the likelihood of them taking action.


Quizzes are also a great lead generation tool. By requiring people to provide their contact information in order to see their results from the quiz, you can quickly and easily build up your leads database.

In addition, quizzes are a fantastic way to collect first-party data. They allow you to ask your audience questions and get to know them on a deeper level. By understanding your audience's needs, wants, and pain points, you can tailor your offering to better meet their needs — giving you a huge leg up on the competition.

So if you're looking to boost your conversion rates and lead capture this holiday season, implementing an engaging quiz/experience is a great place to start.

We'll show you how our partners do it:

To kick off the holiday fun, we launched a holiday contest for everyone to participate in.

It went like this: If you could beat Jebbit's Director of Customer Marketing and make a gift finder quiz faster than he did in 8 minutes and 49 seconds, you had a chance to win a $500 gift card. We also gave out another $500 gift card to the contestant with the overall best looking quiz design.

First Submission:

The first partner who submitted an experience seamlessly went through the Jebbit platform to build a beautiful gift-finder experience in under 8 minutes and 49 seconds.

She made sure the experience felt on brand and created it to be entertaining for the customer. Asking questions like ‘who are you shopping for?’ and ‘how much do you want to spend?’ were important for her to add to get to know exactly what the customer wanted.

Using a product recommendation quiz made this gift-finder experience possible and also takes the pain out of holiday shopping for every customer this holiday season.

Not only did this quiz help her audience find the perfect gift extremely fast, but she was also able to collect valuable first-party data that she can use to segment and target her customers in the future.

Second Submission:

Following the same path as the first submission by flowing easily through the Jebbit platform and of course, making record time by creating a beautiful gift-finder experience in under 8 minutes and 49 seconds.

This client went ahead to ask questions that were on brand for their business, which is a personalized plant gift for a loved one this holiday season. They also included a personalized logo and quality images that made the process of going through the experience more enjoyable for any person.

They included questions like: ‘what types of gifts would you like to include?’ and ‘what size gift box will work?’. This helped to curate the perfect gift box for each customer that completed the quiz.

What Did These Experiences Have in Common?

These experience submissions both had one thing in common: they both used product recommendation quizzes to jumpstart their holiday sales.

Product recommendation quizzes are an easy way to get to know your customers and what they want. By implementing this type of experience on your website, you can quickly increase conversion rates and lead capture while also collecting first-party data on your customers.

If you're looking to increase conversions and lead capture this holiday season, a product recommendation quiz is the perfect way to maximize sales during the holiday shopping rush and beyond.

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for...the winner of Jebbit's Holiday Gift-Finder Contest is…

The winner of the best designed experience goes to…

CLICK HERE to put your gift finder quiz into action today and start seeing your sales skyrocket this holiday season and beyond!

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

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Jebbit Grid Decorative
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