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Thought Leadership & Enablement
March 3, 2023

Creating Traceable Engagements: How Jebbit Can Help You Sell to the CFO

Learn why marketers should care about selling their ideas to the CFO and how to create traceable engagements that impress the CFO. Discover proven tactics to get closer to identifying what works and how to make them even more traceable. Find out how Jebbit experiences can help create a better measurement system for your marketing activities and improve your data story.

Jed Schneiderman
VP & Country Manager, Canada

A quick search of “Selling to the CFO” yields 33,400,000 results in 0.36 seconds! 

Why would a marketer care about “Selling to the CFO”? 

The CFO plays a critical role in the financial decision-making process of any organization. Marketing budgets are typically a percentage of revenue, so marketers need to have a good working relationship with their CFO to secure funding for their initiatives. 

In addition, in times of economic uncertainty, brands may be focused on cost savings, and marketers need to justify their expenses to the CFO. Moreover, being able to demonstrate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and their impact on the bottom line is essential to maintaining job security and advancing one's career. 

Marketers should not only know how to sell their ideas to customers but also how to pitch them effectively to the CFO to secure the necessary resources to achieve their goals.

So if you’re going to walk away with takeaways from that, let it be these: 

  1. Marketing budgets are % of revenue, so most marketers liaise with their CFO.
  2. In a recession a lot of brands may be focused on cost savings. 
  3. Knowing the difference between mission critical business software and non-mission critical software might make the difference between a good and bad year (or even just holding onto your job. Keep in mind CMO tenure is at a ten year low per this Wall Street Journal / Spencer Stuart article)

So other than very general advice – “Don’t give a Pitch”, “Be Realistic” and “Offer Objectivity” – what’s a marketer to do? 

There is the famous quote - “Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half.”  

So smart marketers are good at identifying what’s working. 

And smart marketers are good at creating “Traceable Engagements”.

What is a “Traceable Engagement”? 

Loosely defined, it is being able to see how a consumer interacts with your brand and if an action can lead to a traceable or measurable event. 

While digital has become quite complicated – rented platforms, walled gardens, disappearing cookies, opacity on mobile devices (App Tracking Transparency) – there are some proven tactics that get us closer to being able to identify what’s working. 

For example:

  1. CRM / EMAIL Capture: EMAIL is an identifiable and ownable asset for a brand. And if done effectively, it allows guaranteed delivery of personalized messaging. 
  2. Loyalty Programs: LOYALTY programs have a proven history driving improved segmentation and of being able to influence consumer behavior.
  3. Digital Commerce and Order History: By directly understanding what people buy, and their level of satisfaction with their orders (via ratings, post-purchase surveys), brands can develop better products, manage assortment and build stronger consumer experiences. 

So how does a brand take these proven methods and make them even more traceable? 

*Drum roll please*

Jebbit Experiences. 

Let’s look at the same list and Jebbit-ize them: 

  1. CRM / EMAIL Capture: Does your brand simply capture email addresses and nothing more? Consider asking 3-5 questions before you collect an email address like GLAD. You can learn preferences which can in turn super-charge your CRM and your e-commerce. 
  2. Loyalty Programs: How much data do you capture when someone signs up? Just name and email? You can do more and you can do better. Check out ASICS – they capture 22 data points when consumers on-board, thus being able to better trace and understand the activity of their loyalty program members. 
  3. Digital Commerce and Order History: Do you offer guided shopping (product finders, personality quizzes)? Do you run post-purchase surveys that talk to your CDP and other core parts of your martech stack? By learning what people select - see ANNE KLEIN and MARMOT – you can create more traceable moments. You can learn their preferences, their size, how they learned about your brand and more. This can lead to higher conversions, more time on site and lower bounce rates – mission critical metrics. 

So as you think about the year ahead, think about creating a better measurement system for your marketing activities. 
Your CFO will probably be asking a lot of questions, and one ace up your sleeve can be Jebbit and the improved data story you’ll be able to tell. 

Interested in learning more? Chat with us!

Jed Schneiderman
VP & Country Manager, Canada

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