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Case Study
September 11, 2020

Building Brand Awareness During the Holidays

Every brand wants to be the first name that pops into consumers' heads when the holidays roll around, but not everyone can be. How do you rise through the ranks?

John Levis
Product Marketing Manager

There’s a lot of competition for share of wallet during the holiday season. And, because the COVID-19 has driven most shoppers online, it’s going to be harder than ever to catch consumers’ attention when they’re not already looking to buy from you.

What’s a brand to do?

The answer: Create a positive disruption in the buyer journey. There are a few ways to do this, but one of the best is through inspiration. Specifically, find ways to inspire on your customers’ preferred channels.

Take Hidden Valley Ranch, for example. Cooking is core to the holiday season, but the Hidden Valley website is not usually the first place people look for recipe inspiration.

Hidden Valley knew that, so they headed to the channel where consumers go for inspiration: Pinterest.

Leveraging Jebbit’s partnership with Pinterest, Hidden Valley Ranch launched a recipe inspiration experience that created custom boards for consumers based on the preferences they selected. The recipes on the boards all featured Hidden Valley products.

By creating a positive disruption on shoppers’ preferred inspiration channel, Hidden Valley Ranch was able to reach the over 62 million consumers who visit Pinterest for holiday inspiration. In doing so, they were able to add their name to the holiday conversation.

Want to learn more about how to win the holiday season? Check out our webinar for a closer look into what you can do to make holiday 2020 a success.

Want to see how easy it is to create your own holiday experience? Try our free version of the platform today!

John Levis
Product Marketing Manager

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