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Thought Leadership & Enablement
February 3, 2022

Apple's iOS Privacy Changes will Hurt Meta Through 2022

This morning, Thursday February 3rd, 2022, the world woke up to reports on the extreme drop in Meta's (Facebook parent company) share price. For the first time in history, Meta shares fell by a whopping 25%. The company reported its first ever drop in daily user numbers. And yes, this is the first time that we have EVER seen this. Meta is battling its toughest challenges yet.

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

Let's get into it. Thursday's drop is set to shave about $210 billion from its market capitalization, we're talking BILLIONS, bringing it to its lowest point ever.

Why is this happening? What's changing? There has to be an answer. Well, there is, and it's actually quite simple. The substantial hit that the company is facing is primarily from Apple's privacy changes. Meta mentioned that with Apple's privacy changes, which impact its ad-targeting and measuring, would result in a $10 billion revenue hit this year. They are losing touch with their audience.

It's not a secret that these Apple privacy changes are significantly disrupting the industry. To think further down the line, this doesn't even account for the changes that will come when Google deprecates third party cookies. We are shifting into a 'Privacy first' world and there are several ways to transition seamlessly into this new era. Gaining insights about your customers, and driving revenue can still be at their highest performance, even with the death of third party cookies creeping up on us.

What can you be doing now to ensure your brand thrives post Apple and Google changes? How can you prepare?

Here is our advice:

- If you're not already, begin building your own First/Zero Party Data sets because the brands who do this will win in this new consumer-first world.

The social platforms and ad networks that marketers and advertisers use aren't going away. And they will continue to enable brands to target users and audiences. But it's up to the brands to bring their own First/Zero Party Data to the table to drive optimal campaign performance.

Since Dozens of brands have started ingraining First Party Data/Zero Party Data capture as their marketing strategy, seeing the results have been incredible.

Here's how it works.

  1. We align on 2-5 data points you would love to be able to use to seed an audience fo better targeting (often we brainstorm a few different potential audiences).
  2. You run a Jebbit quiz (or other experience) to capture these 2-5 data points.
  3. We set up an AB test where we use the Jebbit data to create audiences, and run that against the standard targeting on these platforms.

Customers audiences that are seeded with First and Zero Party Data from Jebbit vs. standard interest based targeting are seeing a 5X lift in overall ad performance, with metrics including improved click-through rates and conversions.

There you have it, the exact guide on how to survive the ever-changing data privacy world. This is how brands are winning, and seeing even better results than before. After all, winning solves everything and we are here to help you succeed. Click here to get started.

Jenna Galletti
Content Marketing Specialist

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